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Top Whatsapp Marketing Metrics Every eCommerce Marketer Must Track for Campaign Success

In today’s digital-first world, WhatsApp isn’t just for casual chats—it’s quickly becoming a powerful marketing channel for eCommerce businesses. With over 2 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp offers brands the perfect way to engage customers directly and drive conversions. But how do you know if your WhatsApp marketing campaigns are actually working?

That’s why ecommerce marketers track key campaign metrics. Without data, you're just guessing. So, let’s dive into the top WhatsApp marketing metrics every eCommerce marketer must track to ensure campaign success.

Why is Measuring WhatsApp Campaign Success Metrics Important?

While many WhatsApp marketing statistics show impressive potential for brands using WhatsApp as a channel. But the real question still stands - is WhatsApp marketing effective for my business?

That’s what tracking important performance metrics will tell you. With these key marketing metrics shared below, you can not only gauge if WhatsApp is the right channel for your business but also fine-tune your marketing strategies and try different WhatsApp marketing best practices to effectively optimize your campaigns.

Imagine sending out tons of messages but having no clue how well they performed or what content performed well for what audience. It’s like throwing darts in the dark!

But measuring your WhatsApp campaign metrics will reveal insights on what’s working, what’s not, and most importantly—how to convert those conversations into actual sales. But, how do you know which WhatsApp marketing metrics are the most important to track?

That’s why we are sharing a list of important marketing metrics to compare and analyze the performance of your campaigns. These key WhatsApp marketing metrics explained below, will not just help you understand what works for your audience but also help you understand your audience better.

So, let’s go ahead and explore the essential WhatsApp marketing metrics that will help you track, optimize and transform your campaigns!

Key WhatsApp Marketing Metrics to Track

Here are the top WhatsApp metrics to track and measure key performance indicators and optimize your campaigns:

1. Open Rate

If your customers aren’t even opening your messages, how can they engage with your brand? This makes WhatsApp marketing open rate the easiest and most often tracked ecommerce metric in this list. It works for any type of campaign like email, sms, WhatsApp, etc.

Open rate tells you the percentage of recipients who opened your message—a strong indicator of how well your message preview grabs attention. A higher open rate means your message previews are compelling.

How to Boost Open Rates: Use personalized content, short yet impactful previews, and time your messages strategically to increase open rates.

2. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Sending a message is one thing, but getting people to take action is another. CTR shows the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link in your message. It’s a key campaign metric to understanding engagement on your marketing messages.

How to Boost Click Through Rates: Make your call-to action (CTA) buttons clear and enticing. “Shop Now,” “Claim Your Offer,” or “Grab It Before It’s Gone!” works wonders.

3. Response Rate

Are people talking back? Response rate tracks the percentage of users who reply to your messages. It is the best Whatsapp campaign metric to track when experimenting with your marketing copy and WhatsApp templates. A high response rate means your content is resonating.

How to Boost Response Rates: Engage customers with questions or polls and encourage two-way communication on WhatsApp to drive higher responses.

4. Conversion Rate

The ultimate goal of any campaign is to convert leads into customers. This makes conversion rate the most important Whatsapp marketing metric to track. The conversion rate measures how many people took the desired action (like making a purchase or signing up).

How to Boost Conversion Rates: Use targeted offers, personalized recommendations, and urgency in your messages to nudge customers toward purchasing.

5. Delivery Rate

A message that’s never delivered doesn’t stand a chance! Delivery rate shows how many of your WhatsApp messages were successfully sent to recipients. It is an essential Whatsapp marketing metric that a marketer should keep track of, especially after Meta introduced new WhatsApp compliance laws to reduce spamming customers.

How to Boost Delivery Rates: Keep your subscriber list clean and updated to ensure your messages reach real people.

6. Opt-Out Rate

A rising opt-out rate could be a red flag. It shows the percentage of users who unsubscribe from your messages, often signaling that your content isn’t adding value or messaging frequency needs to be reduced. Opt-out rate or unsubscribe rate is important to track this WhatsApp campaign metric to track your subscriber list.

How to Reduce Opt-Out Rates: Avoid overwhelming or spamming users with too many messages, and always focus on delivering value.

7. List Growth Rate

Another important Whatsapp metric after the opt-out rate is the list growth rate. Your WhatsApp subscriber list is a goldmine for customer engagement. The faster it grows, the better. Tracking how quickly your list is expanding shows the effectiveness of your opt-in strategies.

How to Boost List Growth Rates: Try using spin-to-win pop-ups or offer exclusive discounts to encourage people to subscribe and grow subscriber list.

8. Amount Spent

Marketing without budget management is risky. The amount spent metric tracks the cost of running your WhatsApp campaigns. Keeping an eye on this helps you ensure that you’re spending wisely.

How to Lower Amount Spent on Campaign: Segment your audience to exclude unengaged and inactive subscribers to lower your marketing campaign spends.

9. Revenue Generated

At the end of the day, it’s all about the money! This business performance metric shows how much revenue your WhatsApp campaigns have brought in, helping you gauge their direct impact on your bottom line.

How to Boost Revenue: Use exclusive deals and time-sensitive promotions to drive purchases and maximize revenue.

10. Cost per Conversion

Want to know how much it costs to convert a single customer via WhatsApp? This top marketing metric breaks it down. Lowering this cost is essential for running efficient campaigns.

How to Reduce Cost per Conversion: Improve targeting, use data-driven segmentation, and optimize your offers to lower the cost per conversion.

11. Bounce Rate

A high bounce rate means your messages aren’t getting delivered, often due to invalid phone numbers. This key campaign metric reveals how well-maintained your contact list is.

How to Lower Bounce Rates: Regularly audit your contact database to remove invalid numbers and reduce bounces.

12. Orders Recovered or Orders Made

This marketing or business metric is critical for eCommerce brands! It shows how many orders were recovered or initiated through your WhatsApp campaigns.

How to Boost Orders: Send abandoned cart reminders, win-back messages or exclusive discounts to recover sales and drive more repeat orders.

13. Campaign ROI

If you’re not making more than you’re spending, something’s wrong. Campaign ROI is another important WhatsApp campaign metric that calculates the return on investment from your WhatsApp efforts, letting you know if your WhatsApp strategies are profitable.

How to Boost Campaign ROI: Focus on improving all the metrics listed above to increase your WhatsApp campaign ROI and ultimately your WhatsApp marketing ROI.

How to Optimize WhatsApp Campaigns for Better Conversions?

To get the most out of your WhatsApp campaigns, you need more than just tracking metrics—you need a campaign optimization strategy for better performance. Here are some of the best WhatsApp marketing practices to follow:

  • ‍Segment Your Audience: Not all customers are the same. Group them based on behavior, demographics, or past purchases to send more personalized messages.
  • Leverage Rich Media: Spice up your campaigns with media-rich elements like images, videos, and interactive elements like WhatsApp buttons for higher engagement. You can also use experiment with various types of campaigns like carousels, videos and documents.
  • A/B Testing Your WhatsApp Campaigns: Test different versions of your messages, images, CTAs, Buttons and sending times to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Automate WhatsApp Campaigns & Flows: Use WhatsApp for automated workflows like abchandoned cart recovery, welcome messages, or post-purchase follow-ups to stay top-of-mind without constant manual effort.
  • Conversational Approach: Make your campaigns more conversational and engaging. Ask questions, provide instant solutions with WhatsApp chatbots and 2-way conversation panels, and give customers a reason to reply. This will boost your engagement rates while making your customers feel valued.


WhatsApp marketing is an incredible opportunity for eCommerce brands to connect directly with customers. But, if you’re not tracking the right metrics, you could be missing out on valuable insights.

From open rates to revenue generated, these key metrics will give you a clear picture of your Whatsapp campaign performance. This will help you understand if WhatsApp marketing effective for your business and help you make the best WhatsApp marketing campaign.

While Google Analytics & Facebook Manager gives you most of these marketing analytics metrics. Top WhatsApp marketing tools like The Convertway, can also help you track and streamline your campaign metrics. The Convertway’s marketing automation offers advanced features such as smart audience segmentation, broadcast campaigns, automation flows and in-depth WhatsApp marketing analytics, making it easier to manage campaigns and optimize performance.