What are the Different Types of Chatbots and Their Use Cases?

"Chatbots are the new apps, virtual assistants are the new interfaces." - Satya Nadella

Picture this: You’re browsing your favorite online store late at night and suddenly have a question about a product. You’re hesitant to wait until morning for a response, but then, a friendly chatbot pops up, ready to assist you instantly.

This is the magic of chatbots—a technology that’s revolutionizing how businesses interact with customers.

In this blog, we'll explore the various types of chatbots and delve into their specific use cases!

What are Chatbots?

Chatbots are like having an employee who never sleeps, can handle thousands of inquiries simultaneously, and always has the perfect answer at the ready. These intelligent software applications are designed to simulate human conversation through text or voice, providing a seamless and engaging user experience. They can answer questions, guide users through processes, and even complete transactions, all without human intervention.

For ecommerce brands, WhatsApp chatbots or website ones are not just a convenience but a crucial tool for enhancing customer satisfaction and driving sales.

Exploring the Types of Chatbots

Understanding the different types of chatbots helps businesses select the right one to match their needs and improve their customer interactions. Here’s a closer look at each type:

Menu/Button-Based Chatbots

Menu/button-based chatbots are like friendly store clerks who guide you through the shopping aisles with clear instructions. These chatbots present users with a set of predefined options or buttons, allowing them to navigate through different choices and reach their desired outcome.

For example, an e-commerce store might use this type of chatbot to help customers select product categories, view popular items, or track their orders.

Imagine you’re shopping for new sneakers online. A menu-based chatbot could provide options such as “View New Arrivals,” “Track My Order,” or “Get Size Recommendations.”

This straightforward approach ensures users can quickly find what they’re looking for, enhancing their overall shopping experience. Moreover, you can even use this type through WhatsApp chat automation.

Linguistic Based (Rule-Based) Chatbots

Linguistic-based (rule-based) chatbots function like a well-trained assistant who follows a detailed script. They rely on predefined rules and decision trees to interact with users, making them ideal for handling repetitive queries and straightforward tasks.

For an e-commerce brand, these chatbots could manage tasks such as answering frequently asked questions, processing returns, or providing basic product information.

Let’s take an example of a rule-based chatbot designed for an online fashion retailer. It could efficiently handle queries about return policies, shipping times, or store hours, guiding customers with consistent and accurate responses.

Keyword Recognition-Based Chatbots

Keyword recognition-based chatbots are like attentive listeners who focus on the main points of a conversation. They use keyword detection to understand the user’s intent and provide relevant responses.

While these chatbots are quite adept at handling a variety of questions, they may struggle with more nuanced or complex queries.

For instance, an e-commerce chatbot might use keyword recognition to assist customers looking for specific items. If a customer types “I need a gift for a friend,” the chatbot might recognize keywords like “gift” and “friend” to suggest popular gift items or provide gift ideas based on the user’s preferences.

Machine Learning Chatbots

Think of machine learning chatbots as the evolving prodigies of the chatbot world. These bots use machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to user inputs in a more nuanced and context-aware manner. They continuously learn from interactions, improving their accuracy and relevance over time.

For an e-commerce brand, a machine-learning chatbot can offer personalized shopping experiences.

For example, if a customer frequently browses athletic wear, the chatbot can suggest related products or provide tailored discounts, creating a more engaging and customized shopping experience.

The Hybrid Model

Why settle for just one approach when you can combine the best of both worlds? The hybrid model integrates rule-based responses with machine learning capabilities. This approach allows chatbots to handle both routine queries and more complex interactions, switching between predefined rules and AI-driven responses as needed.

Say an online electronics store is using a hybrid chatbot. For basic inquiries like “What’s the return policy?” the chatbot uses predefined rules.

However, for more intricate questions about product compatibility or technical specifications, it taps into its machine-learning capabilities to provide detailed, contextually relevant answers.

No Code Chatbots

No-code chatbots are a breakthrough for businesses that lack technical expertise but still want to leverage the power of automation. Using a no-code bot builder, you can create and deploy chatbots through a simple, user-friendly interface, eliminating the need for extensive coding knowledge.

This makes it accessible for small online and D2C businesses or those looking to implement chatbots quickly and cost-effectively.

For example, an online D2C fashion brand might use a no-code WhatsApp chatbot to handle customer inquiries, process orders, and provide product recommendations, all without needing a team of developers.

This flexibility allows even small ecommerce brands to enhance their customer service and operational efficiency.

Voice Bots

Voice bots are the modern-day equivalents of a friendly store assistant who’s always ready to help, even when you can’t type. These chatbots respond to voice commands and provide hands-free interaction. With the rise of smart speakers and voice-activated devices, voice bots are becoming increasingly popular for their convenience and accessibility.

For an e-commerce brand, a voice bot could assist customers with tasks such as placing orders, checking the status of a shipment, or getting recommendations while they’re busy with other activities.

For instance, imagine a customer using a voice-enabled device to ask, “Hey, find me a new laptop,” and the voice bot responds with tailored suggestions based on the user’s previous interactions and preferences.

Use Cases of Chatbots

Customer Support

One of the most significant advantages of chatbots is their ability to provide 24/7 customer support. For e-commerce brands, this means customers can get answers to their questions anytime, without waiting for business hours.

A chatbot for WhatsApp can be especially effective, as it engages customers on a platform they’re already using, providing instant assistance and addressing issues in real-time.

For example, if a customer messages an online store through WhatsApp asking about the status of their order, a chatbot for WhatsApp can quickly retrieve the information and provide an update.

This level of accessibility enhances customer satisfaction and builds trust. 


Chatbots are transforming the e-commerce landscape by offering personalized shopping experiences and streamlining transactions. A WhatsApp chatbot for ecommerce businesses can handle product inquiries, suggest items based on user preferences, and even assist with completing purchases.

Consider a scenario where a customer is browsing an online store for a birthday gift. A WhatsApp chat automation tool could guide them through selecting a gift, offer personalized recommendations, and facilitate the checkout process—all within the WhatsApp interface.

This integration not only simplifies the shopping journey but also increases the likelihood of a sale.


In the healthcare sector, chatbots can provide invaluable support by assisting with appointment scheduling, offering medical information, and even monitoring patient health. A voice bot can play a crucial role here, helping patients manage their medications, schedule follow-up appointments, or even provide reminders for health check-ups.


Financial institutions are leveraging chatbots to enhance customer service by managing inquiries about account balances, transactions, and financial advice. Conversational automation helps streamline these interactions, offering quick and accurate responses.

For instance, a fintech platform might use a machine learning chatbot to provide personalized investment advice or answer questions about loan applications, making financial management more accessible and efficient for users. 

Marketing and Sales

In marketing and sales, chatbots play a crucial role in generating leads, qualifying prospects, and nurturing customer relationships. Chatbots can engage potential customers, provide personalized recommendations, and follow up on leads, driving conversions and boosting revenues.

Imagine an ecommerce brand launching a new product line. A chatbot in WhatsApp can reach out to existing customers, offer exclusive previews, and answer questions about new products, all while capturing valuable insights about customer preferences and engagement.


Chatbots have become an indispensable tool for ecommerce brands, offering efficiency, personalization, and enhanced customer engagement. By understanding the different types of chatbots and their applications, businesses can select the best solutions to meet their specific needs and goals.

Whether it’s improving customer support, personalizing shopping experiences, or driving sales, chatbots are transforming the way businesses interact with their customers and operate in the digital age. Embracing the right types of chatbots can lead to increased customer satisfaction, streamlined operations, and ultimately, greater business growth.

Furthermore, if you are on the lookout for a WhatsApp chatbot for business and are eager to make the most of it, then connect with us now!